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Be happy and active.... moms!

The magic words are quick and pragmatic! After 7 months of mom’s life, I can guarantee that all you need to be is quick, pragmatic and organized! With this article, I would like to share some tips for fresh and future moms. I think best is to learn from each other and then, find your way through. I am referring to women who used to be dynamic, multi-tasking, very active, with tons of ideas, many passions and hobbies.. like I am. It is definitely true and obvious that life changes completely after you give birth: all your energies, attentions, emotions will go in one direction. It is absolutely false that all your time should be given to your baby. It is, as usual, a matter of discipline, organization, speed and prioritizing! Here my top 10 tips with a bonus tip, for keeping up with your life, while being a lovely and caring mom!

TIP 1 One visit a week!

Particularly in the first weeks, you are totally messed up by hormones changes and you need to find your pace. On top, sleeping is almost an option! Mood is upside down. You need quietness.... therefore, my suggestion is to limit visits and meeting people to once a week! Unless someone offer you ironing, cooking or tidying up the flat!!

TIP 2 Keep an agenda!

I have an agenda since I was 16 years old but is never too late to start with it! Having an agenda gives you a good overview how your day and your week will look like. This way you should feel more committed to carry on with daily tasks and activities. You will not lose yourself and reach the evening with anything accomplished. You then make sure you do all you want to do, even pleasure things like fitness, bath, nails ... and whatever is left, because you did not manage, will move to next day.

TIP3 max 5 tasks!

Here is the critical point. Obviously as multitasking woman you want to do tons of things in a day but it is impossible and you need to prioritize: what is really important for you, what is necessary for your baby and the house. In this five main tasks you will include eventually sport, cleaning and cooking! This tip apply if you are at home from work, obviously. In case you already start working, most probably you can be happy to get three things done outside your job.

TIP4 be quick!

Seems the time is limited and you still want to accomplish your five tasks: while you are performing those activities, you need to be very quick and do not lose yourself in social media or TV, just do it and move on!

TIP5 quick recipes!

Food is really important particularly if you are breast-feeding. In my first month I was struggling to find time for cooking. From beginning you need to keep a good nutrition level to have enough milk for your baby. Therefore, I recommend you to find quick recipes which are complete with all nutrients you need and to write it down in your recipe book! You will need it for some months, unless you like to order food online or just dining outside.

TIP6 podcast!

Time for reading is also few! If you are a person who likes continuously learning, being informed with latest news, reading plenty of books, I think this is really frustrating. I started listening a lot of podcasts while walking with my baby: headset always in my bag! Incredibly useful!

TIP7 Delegate

That has been always my biggest issue: delegation. It is obvious that we cannot do everything by ourselves but we think that we do things better, if we do it alone. We need help and if someone offer it, just take it or ask for it!

TIP8 Rest

As mentioned, from the day your baby is born, sleeping is an option ( of course it will get better after the first two months but it will never be like before for many more months). So, if you have spare time (hard to believe anyway) just lay down on the couch, on your bed and rest. It is not necessary to sleep but just rest, maybe with your baby on the side :)

TIP9 Sport with your baby

If you are a sporty person, freak like me.. you need to move by nature!! It is on your DNA!! After the final GO from the doctor, try to establish a moment during the week where you do sport with your baby! Best if outside, fresh air! The advantage is that you would share your passion with your little mouse, he or she will stay in fresh air and will sleep much more after, once back home ;) Also go for High Intensity Interval Training.. the best if you have less time!

TIP10 Voice mail

If you are used to write a lot of messages, emails to your friends, your family maybe is more convenient and practical now if you start to use voice mail. I didn’t use it so much in the past but now I am using it more and more: I can talk meanwhile giving food to my princess, cleaning, preparing lunch etc. IPhone Siri might also be helpful, if it understands what you are asking for!

Final bonus tip: make sure you have enough healthy time with your baby. All my tips above are meant to create as much as possible space with your baby. This is the most important thing you need to take care in the end! But definitely you should not forget your needs as mom, as woman, as active and dynamic person!

Enjoy your mom life and your little baby!!

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